Group: Travel Photo Forum

A small channel at the Mekong Delta

Prayer flags near Wamrong

View from the highway to Ura town


Handicraft shop in Yatna near Ura

Invited from a Yak herders family

Herders mother and her daughter

In front of the Yak herders hut

Food stall returns at the same place before

More picture of the busy market

More picture of the busy Talad Rom Hoop market


Tower of London (8)

St. Jame's Park (2)

Seas Never Before Navigated

Changing of Guards at Buckingham Palace (2)

Arrive in Tsarang


On the rooftop of a Gompa in Tsarang


The rocks befor Tramar village


Westminster Bridge and The Parliament

Shop for selling Kaffae Khao Shong


The Floating Market ตลาดน้ำ in Mueang Boran

My friends eating Kuai-Tiao Ruea


World Peace Pond at Swayambhunath


The Twelfe Apostels, Victoria, Australia

Dakshin Kali

Shiva and Parvati looking out the window

The door into Mani Keshar Chowk in Patan

Tower of London (4)