Group: Summer

Another shot from the olive grove park.

New and, sadly, short-lived bud.

Cable and stormcloud

HANWE, everyone!

Sunset, Algete



Dusk view without a sunset. The third of three pos…

Down our road!

Other steps in Valderrey, Algete. (The first of th…

The problem of trying to snap bats!

Dawn this morning.

Typical 'anvil' shaped thunder cloud and storm app…

Battlements. Buitrago del Lozoya.

Kayakers. HANWE everyone!

Everywhere was stonecrop underfoot

I know I'm back in Spain but I just can't help mys…

Mum's garden once more.

Les Rochers, Pont Romain, St. Léger-du-Ventoux

Valencia: hotel Las Arenas

Valencia: playa de Las Arenas

Greenbank Cove and Crane Islands, North Cliffs

Fishing Cove and The Knavocks.

Cornish Coast at Crane Castle