Group: Strong Colors

Flying lessons...

Mom Stork with her Happy Meal...

Hot Mess

Bedstraw Hawk-Moth ~ Walstropijlstaart (Hyles gall…

Wasp spider ~ Wesp- of Tijgerspin (Argiope bruenni…

Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth ~ Glasvleugelpijlstaa…

Surprise from 2014! Nachtvlinder-oogst bij de Cr…

Tree on the Top of the Field...

Running through the Fields...

Rain is welcome...

Cube Houses, Rotterdam...

Small white ~ Klein koolwitje (Pieris rapae)...

Goodbye.... I'm going home ;)

Goats in Backlight...

Holly Blue ~ Boomblauwtje (Celastrina argiolus)...

Common blue ~ Icarusblauwtje (Polyommatus Icarus)…

West Silchester Hall Gardens, 1 (+ 6x PiP)...

Emerald Swallowtails ~ Green Banded Peacocks (Papi…


Scarlet Mormon (Papilio deiphobus rumanzovia), mal…

Zebra Longwing ~ Zebravlinder (Heliconius chariton…

Dance of the Swan, 2...


Dance of the Swan, 3...

Dance of the Swan, 1...

Getekend door de tijd...

artistic table