Group: 100+ Visits groupe

Former Saint Anthony Convent.

Chapel of Our Lady of Loreto.

Ruins of baptistery (6th century).

Mother Church of Holy Mary Major.

Right gangway of Granada Cathedral.

Yard of the Sultana.

Tiles panel.

Monument to Jacob Rodrigues Pereira.

Acevedo House (1506).

Reproduction of Banksy's work.

Penedo Furado Fluvial Beach.

Penitents of the Holy Week procession.

Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.

Reproduction of Banksy's work.

Naive reconstitution of a village.

A view to the castle.

Fishing village.

Miller's house.

Saint Francis Fountain (18th century).

Botanical Aliens, by Sylvain Bongard.

Cáceres Museum.

Towers of the popular saints.

Entrance gangway of the Pottery Museum.

City view with mounts on the background.

Street art.

Overview to Praza Mayor.