Group: O Canada!

Nosferatu DSC0007

HBM from St-Jude, Quebec

Alberta, Canada

Walkway on the St Andrews Pier

HWW Leonard Cohen

HBM en attendant

Barkerville, BC Canada

Ottawa, Clarence St. - 2007 (3 PiPs)

April 20, 2014 - No. 110 - One photo a day, + 3 C,

Ottawa, That Reflection Thing II - 2007

Gatineau, Musée canadien de l'histoire - 2007


Near Vernon, BC

In Olalla, BC Canada

SS Sicamous in Penticton, BC Canada

Lake Superior, Ontario (Former Prisoner of War Cam…

Village of Lebret, Saskatchewan

Avec un petit air du Canada...

Ottawa, Victoria Island - 2007

Das blaue Hausboot

une maison en hiver

Voyage of the Emerald Rose (1)

Voyage of the Emerald Rose (2)

Voyage of the Emerald Rose (3)