Group: Northampton Photography Group

Assignment104 for March 21

MJ Maccardini (trailerfullofpix)
17 Feb 2024 - 77 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Date: The next meeting will be: Thursday, March 21

Time: 7:30-9:30 pm

It would be great for 4 people to bring wine, cheese, crackers, or cookies to the meeting.

Location: The meeting will be at Chris and Judy's house, 659 Park Hill Road. Keep going straight on Park Hill Road in Northampton, past the point where you see a left turn for Park Hill Road -- this left turn takes you to Easthampton and you don't want to do that. Take a right just after the (tiny) pond, go down the common drive. It's the second house on the right. Map is here.

Assignment: Our assignment for March is view from a window. You can stay at home and shoot photos from the windows of your house, drive around and take snaps through your windscreen (not while driving, of course), or find interesting window views as you're out and about. Please submit five photos for the assignment for sharing at the meeting. You can submit other photos to the group if you like, but only five should have the Assignment104 keyword.

Upload your photos to your space on Ipernity and add the keywords (below). Then add them to the Northampton Photography Group: From the photo page, click on the group icon on the little grey bar to the right of your photo. A box will open that lists the groups you have joined. Choose Northampton Photography Group and then close the box.
Ipernity Bar

Required keywords:
Assignment104 (no space between Assignment and 104)
Your name
Keywords: window and view (these are separate keywords, so put a comma and space between them -- see tip below)
Other keywords of your choice to identify the type of activity, place, subject, composition technique or whatever editing you may have done (e.g. crop, contrast, straighten, etc.)

(Tip: When you're entering keywords in the box, either enter them one at a time or follow each keyword with a comma and a space. Remember that multi-word keywords need quotes around them so they don't get broken up into separate keywords, e.g. "new discovery".)

If you'd like to continue working on previous assignments, you should feel free to do so. Use the keywords from that assignment, including the original assignment number.

The topic of this discussion has been edited by MJ Maccardini (trailerfullofpix) 6 months ago.

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