Group: " Culture Touch - Kultur erleben "

Hôtel-Dieu, Lyon (Rhône, France)

Ornement, Cordes-sur-Ciel (Tarn, France)

The Soul Of The Hour

Interior of tide-mill.

Kyoto (Japon)

Porte avec symboles et divinités du bouddhisme tib…

Bodnath = Boudhanath (Kathmandu, Népal)

Soleil, Garden of Dreams (Kathmandu, Népal)


the red Buddha (Cambodia)

Paris, Louvre

Moving Discs

court - Casa Romei / Ferrara

Ground Markings 16/50 - San Marco

Smoking is Dangerous

Strange Encounter

Tender is the Night

Chapter House of Wells Cathedral 4

Seeschloss Monrepos

The many sides of Stonehenge - 3

Time flies

Beate und Ulrich wünschen euch ein Gutes Neues Jah…

