Group: black/white & and a smudge of colour

La capsule

Bovist (PiP)


Ground Markings 26/50 - On Tour

Round with Red / Devinette * Riddle

... dark ... (PiP)

Ground Markings 25/50 - The Red Ones

Stripes ...

MM = Marmor Mörser

Lazers de chat !!

... und plötzlich war sie an meinem Lenkrad

Le cerbère

#6 A lonely shopping trolley

The sound of the Underground

❀ ❀ Mini-HFF ❀ ❀

#27 Men/women at work

En cage .... HFF !!

Happy Fence Friday

#31 A park bench

Kapuzinerkresse - Blume der Liebe