Group: Enchanted Forest

Waldweihnacht - Forest Christmas Market

Ein Herbsttag, wie ich keinen sah ... This is a fa…

Almost Autumn in Holland...

Im Reich der Pilze - Kingdom of mushrooms

In the Wood...

When the Sun makes Place for the Night...

Als een soort van bloemenkransje....

#36 Touched by Autumn...

Autumn Scenery in the Park...

Lion's mane Mushroom ~ Pruikzwam (Hericium erinace…

Vlekkig Kristalkopje (Didymium melanosporum)...

Tiny Porcelain fungus ~ Porseleinzwam (Mucidula mu…

Autumn Scenery in Evening Sun...

White saddle ~ Witte kluifzwam (Helvella crispa)..…

Slate grey saddle ~ Zwarte kluifzwam (Helvella lac…

Archaeopteryx food

pedal to the metal

Herbstkonfetti - Autumn Confetti


Autumn in The Netherlands...

Goodbye to Summer!

Die Laterne im Park - The Lantern in the Park

It's what you see...

Herbstspaziergang - Autumn Walk - please look on b…

Tief im Steigerwald .... In the deep Forest ...

Sommeridyll - Summer idyll


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