Group: " BEST of Bokeh "

89/366: Elegance (+1 inset)

Trio ...

87/366: Bright and Cheery Monkeyflower

spring colours

en touche Z pour le caresser

de mon bouleau, il a repéré la mangeoire

85/366: Poppy with Droplets (+1 in a note)

84/366: Wild Grass Close-Up

83/366: Suspended

Spring too, very soon.

Bon Jeudi Saint

81/366: Moss Covered with Droplets


Any Questions?

Mitbrinsel aus einem Naturschutzgebiet - A present…

77/366: Twinkling Weeds

Regard méfiant

76/366: Tiny Sweat Bee on Thistle

giornata di vento

sweet look for Happy Fence Friday


Fiori di melograno

72/366: Lovely Little Mushroom

Bon Dimanche mes ami(e)s !

70/366: Queen Anne's Lace Bud

69/366: HFF! Leaf Stuck on Fence