Group: " ALL about : Street@rt "

Painting on Lisbon Naval Club.

Drifting Europe.

Samuel Beckett and Dario Fo.

Street art in gallery.

Painting in progress.

Chimpanzee on the wall.

"Lusíadas" mural (VII).

Painted on the basis of water tower.

Alcântara railway station - nowadays.

Bullfight arena.

Yesteryear scene.

Painted canvas about events and famous people of A…

The Face of Wrath.

Painted on back side of building.

I lost the yarn of skein (= I lost my train of tho…

Mural by Hazul.

Painting on door.

Street art in Municipal Gallery.

Painted on walled door.

Mural by Vhils.

Electricity box.

Mural by Manoel Jack, inspired on the colours of A…

Whale mural.

Insert coin.