Group: " Amazing Nature - Einmalige Natur - La nature unique - La natura unica "

Blaue Edeldistel... ©UdoSm

vor dem grossen Regen

HFF with a Pretty Pink Clover!

Fog in July.

arbre dans la brume / tree in fog

araignée crabe / crab spider

H. A. N. W. E. my friends! La Cabrera spring wildf…

Promenade au jardin ... *** A walk in the garden…

Rose en palier*************

HFF voor iedereen....

Collage -Wasp on foot... ©UdoSm

highway to heaven

Nafarros, Sintra, Portugal

A 'Happy fence Friday' to everyone - and 'Good wis…

Aubagne, Rain coming

Crepis capillaris

Bonne semaine.

Im Moment zu sehen: Zitronenfalter (Gonepteryx rha…

Lichens and Viper's Bugloss on Mowingword Point


Hortensie in X3D. ©UdoSm

ES - Icod de los Vinos - Drago Milenario
