Group: " Amazing Nature - Einmalige Natur - La nature unique - La natura unica "

Microcitrus australasica - Citron caviar

Cakile maritima, Brassicaceae... and no lockdown f…

Clematis im Abendlicht

Very busy bees... ©UdoSm

Pelargonium grandiflorum (+1PiP)

Fumaria officinalis

The ultimate mudbath

Leucojum vernum, called spring snowflake.

Spergularia purpurea, Spergularia arvensis, Caryop…

Window in the Cloud

Yet another granite one!

Sun and Shade

Veilig oversteken...

Geranium molle

Miss Sophie with her Butler James... ©UdoSm

Endlich wieder Nektar - Finally nectar again


Tróia, Portugal

Rock window. H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

35/50 l'orme de M. Charbonneau, Mr. Charbonneau's…

Flowering Almond

Coville's Ground-Smoke at LaPine State Park (+5 in…

FR - Cleebourg - Colourful Sky

Dodham Brook ~ Ninesprings

Bonne journée !

Lever de soleil à saveur gaspésienne