Group: " Amazing Nature - Einmalige Natur - La nature unique - La natura unica "

Am seidenen Faden

Surpopulation (overcrowding)

Blacks Fork River area (4)

Jolis coquelicots mesdames...

HYDRANGEA, hortensja


Dominican Republic, The Turtle Walks to the Water


l ' accrobate ......

Spring at 2000 Metres


calm down and breath deeply

From The Road To Rotorua.

Fleurs près du Bassin Brown-Québec.

30/50 grande aigrette-great egret

nature is sometime tragic

Baum vor Braun

Ich sehe dich - I can see you

The road to my village

Hawthorn, the most medicinal plant in the world

Fleur de sureau

Gobe mouche .... Non :-)

Nectar hunters

Im Birkenwäldchen

Dem Regen und Wind trotzen