Group: Religiöse Bauten - Religious buildings

Parish Church of the Tabernacle.

Royal Chapel (1505-1517).

Carved benches

Winter, wie er nur einmal im Jahr in Hamburg aussi…

BE - Malmedy - Place Albert I

Pyramid of Cheops

1 1293

In der Dresdner Frauenkirche

Kloster Rehna

HBM - Sainte Anne

St Pancras Church Coldred Kent

DE - Aachen - Kaiserdom

Beheaded statues

NL - Meerssen - In der Sakramentsbasilika

PT - Guimarães - Igreja de São Miguel do Castelo

Church of Holy Mary of Incarnation.

Italia - Tolmezzo, Duomo di San Martino

Schloss Cappenberg

Nederland - Delft, Oude Kerk

Another view to Holy Mary of Incarnation Church.

Church of Holy Mary of Incarnation.

Italia - Pontebba, Santa Maria Maggiore

Church of Holy Mary of Incarnation.

Nederland - Delft, Nieuwe Kerk

DE - Andernach - Altar der Hospitalkirche

St. Marien in Stralsund (5xPiP)

BE - Belleveaux - Altar von St. Aubin