Group: " All types of historical transportation // Tous les moyens de transport historiques ...

Barry Island South Wales July 1970

Great Central Railway Loughborough Leicestershire…

A beautiful ride! show of cars at our Spring Fes…

Lonesome Ford

Die Königin macht Dampf ...

Girl with Bicycle, Dog, and Puppies

Great Central Railway Rothley Leicestershire 3rd F…

Dampfloktreffen in Blankenburg - HFF everybody!

Suez : un rimorchiatore che scorta le navi durante…

Oberwasser am Schiffshebewerk

Noch 'n Expressbild ... ;-)

Kanalschlepper "MB Rodde"

Ehemaliger Dampfschlepper "Fortuna" (Baujahr 1909)

Steam locomotive Henschel & Sohn (1911).

BR 18 201 der Deutschen Reichsbahn (DDR)

HFF - Expressbild




Canale di Suez : una petroliera entra nel lago ama…

Great Central Railway Loughborough Leicestershire…

Jaguar Xk120 Roodster 1952, AH-88-91


Port Said : le originali barche da pesca egiziane…

Port Said : le barche dei pescatori a Port Fouad s…

Rugby Warwickshire 4th January 2019