Group: Promoting ipernity

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Public Relations
12 Sep 2020 - 42 comments - 1 011 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

The purpose of this group is to collect and organise everything that helps to raise ipernity's popularity worldwide.

This is the prerequisite for attracting members who appreciate the group in the long term.

The administrative language of the group is English. However, contributions in all languages are welcome, as they can be translated with the help of our integrated translator DeepL.

Please add your suggestions and ideas to the corresponding discussion topics.
If a topic is missing, please suggest it here so it can be added.

The topic of this discussion has been edited by Public Relations 3 years ago.

42 comments - The latest ones
StoneRoad2013 club
Membership of other fora and photohosting sites.

Or how to promote here over there !
4 years ago.
Bergfex club
✅ I have added a corresponding menu item on the left
4 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Michael-K club
terms of reaching out to people, has anyone considered open source communities? Users of Darktable, Raw Therapee and Gimp are definately dedicated photographers and probably quite independantly minded.

A site that describes itself as 'a non-commercial photo sharing community, financed exclusively by membership dues without any intention of making a profit' could be very appealing.
4 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Michael-K club
This is a great idea. It makes a lot of sense. Once listed as a separate discussion it should get brainstormed as to how to go about this.
4 years ago.
Public Relations club has replied to Michael-K club
✅ We've pinned that idea to 4. Cooperations
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
StoneRoad2013 club
Word of mouth aka analog social media.

A promotion if everyone recruited a new member ...
perhaps with the bonus of a "free" month per new paid subscription or similar, as that can be done "manually", I think.

[i'm sure the promo code already exists, maybe the idea could be pushed a little]
4 years ago.
raingirl club
Not sure if this fits under an already listed discussion, but I'm thinking about the Google search engine and how to get onto the first page. I know there's something about what is on your front page - even if it isn't showing visually there can be key words in the coding or something that then help bring your site closer to the top of the list.

That said, wonder if people logging out when not online, creating more activity on the login page, would be useful. Would have to be researched somehow.
4 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
The Google algorithm is a better kept secret than the Coca-Cola recipe. An entire industry has been established to advise website operators on this issue. An example:

✅ We have done everything necessary regarding meta-decription in our website code. The disadvantage is that our homepage is not encrypted. We cannot change this at the moment.

But where everyone can help: Every back-link improves our ranking on Google. In practical terms, this means that by linking images from your portfolio to Facebook from time to time, such backlinks are created. Google classifies ipernity as more relevant.

Just one example:
Helpful: As aNNa Schramm does it.
Not helpful: the direct upload, like Sylvie Cocffic does, without backlink
4 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Public Relations club
Okay - so to be clear, you're saying that when I post a photo to the facebook group 'Amis d'Ipernity (or anywhere else on facebook), that to be helpful
I SHOULD post the photo by copying the the url from the ipernity photo page and then it will show up as an image on facebook with the backlink.

I should NOT use the facebook 'Photo/Video' button to insert the photo.
Is this correct?
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
Public Relations club has replied to raingirl club
✅ This is correct.
Use the 'actions' menu to post pictures at facebook:

Using the 'actions' menu for posting at facebook
4 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Public Relations club
Yes, I always forget that icon. Thank you for the reminder. It is good for sharing to my personal page. When I share to a group, I copy the url and it works correctly giving a backlink to here (I've been testing!)
3 years ago.
Marja Savonije has replied to Public Relations club
Good to know, I never used it before. Have started immediately.
3 years ago.
Public Relations club has replied to Marja Savonije
✅ You're welcome.
3 years ago.
wirsberg club has replied to Public Relations club
Aren't sharing buttons conflicting with the _Guide of good conduct_?
> Do not divert the use of the features proposed.
Content published on ipernity is chiefly destined to be viewed and used through the ipernity interfaces. Of course you may include some of your content in your blog or on your personal Web site. We terminate all accounts making use of ipernity as a mere host for files for services which have nothing to do with ipernity.

Starting from this paragraph, I guess that is _not_ welcome to use the sharing links to share photos in other platforms, even with backlink. Am I misunderstanding something? -

I am sharing photos now and then on the German railway-enthusiasts platform, and I'm not really sure if this is a good behaviour.
3 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to wirsberg club
My personal thoughts on this are that you own your photos, you can share them elsewhere however you want. The program even has links to help you put your photos here on other sites (see the social network possibilities if you link your accounts with ipernity).

The part you quote is, I believe, is probably old verbiage so that free accounts weren't taking up space on ipernity just as a storage area, and so if they were ipernity could delete the accounts. As we now have paid accounts and size use limits, this is obsolete - again in my view.

The team should confirm this - team?

In fact, your use of your photos you have posted here, especially when you use the backlink, is very helpful!
3 years ago.
Public Relations club has replied to raingirl club
✅ There is no objection to the publication of own content by linking to other services. On the contrary. Ipernity even provides the tools to do so.

One could certainly formulate the Guide of Good Conduct more clearly in this respect. However, in view of the large amount of work with high priority, we will refrain from doing so for the time being.
3 years ago.
StoneRoad2013 club
I do use the backlinks when posting images to threads on various Fora.
4 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to StoneRoad2013 club
Know I know what that means, I'm doing it all the time (before I only did it by chance).
4 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
 Annalia S.
Annalia S. club
I have been thinking of ways we could reach potential members from countries at present less represented in the community, but whose languages are supported by Ipernity automatic translator. For example, there seem to be relatively few members from Italy or Spain (or Spanish speaking countries). I can't say about Spain, but many Italians have only a rudimentary knowledge of a foreign language or none at all. I think there are many out there that would find Ipernity interesting if they knew about this feature. I would be happy to translate into Italian promotional documents that could be used to this end. I can also try to do a wikipedia entry in Italian since there is none. Perhaps some Spanish speaking members could do an entry in Spanish (which is also missing)? Spanish is very widely spoken in the world and we could reach a large potential audience that way. My own Spanish is too rusty to do a good job.
3 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Annalia S. club
Thank you!! This will be very helpful.
If the team hasn't already contacted you directly, I'll be sure they do so.
3 years ago.
Public Relations club has replied to Annalia S. club
✅ Dear Annalia, that would be great. We do not have any advertising documents yet. But we are sure there will be some soon. Among 1250 photographers there are certainly a few who could be creative in terms of advertising.

As for Wikipedia: Wikipedia is an important thing. Many people search there first. The easiest thing would be to translate the German version. It is the most up-to-date and most thoroughly checked. You are also welcome to make suggestions for changes. Because a lot has changed since the last updates.

We would be very happy about your support and have pinned it under 5. Enzyklopaedias
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
 Steve Paxton
Steve Paxton club
I know when I Share my deep space photos with the members of my face book deep space photographers, they all only ever get my Ipernity page of the photo.The link on face book shows the photo and the URL so it getting both out there.

I know I have for a few years only really put photos on Ipernity so I use them if I ever share even with family they get a link to the photo on Ipernity. I know I have been asked about the Ipernity group but have to leave it up to them to make up there minds where they go.

not an easy one to get right advertising I believe best is the free word of mouth and sharing links. I do know we have to go fishing but where....
3 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Steve Paxton club
Yes, word of mouth is great. And thank you so much for always using your ipernity photos with the link back to ipernity!! That is really helpful.

As to how to do effective advertising, that's what this group is all about. If you don't know what else you can do, take a look at all the discussions here (if you haven't already) and see if there's something that you feel you could contribute to, or are inspired by to add ideas.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Public Relations club has replied to Steve Paxton club
On Facebook!

There we can place advertisements for specific groups at a "payment per click" rate. This means: we only pay when a user clicks on our advertising. We can place target-group-specific ads at the appropriate times of day. All this is small 1x1. We just need to have the courage to dare to do it once.

Maybe we will have an internal competition for the best eye-catcher?

We also need the perfect landing page. Where do people get to when they click on our advertising image? Is that attractive enough? Do we already have such a landing page, or do we have to create it first? It is definitely not "Explore". Such a thing is very old-fashioned = dead boring.

By the way: what applies to Facebook applies to any kind of paid advertising.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
✅ The ima team has tripled the attractiveness for recruitment by members for over a year now: from 1+1 months to 3+3 months

The success is = zero.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Annalia S. club has replied to Public Relations club
Surely the cause is my inattention, but I was not aware of this and will see if I can use it to entice the possible new members I already mentioned Ipernity to.
3 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Public Relations club
I thought I had done this at least once (though maybe it was before?). Are you sure it has been zero?
3 years ago.
Public Relations club has replied to raingirl club
✅ Not sure. But 1 or 2 is neglectible.
To secure the future we need 1000
3 years ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club

My point of view is that what you are doing is fine, your content is "chiefly viewed at ipernity", so sharing some of your content, now and then, is actually good to help get ipernity noticed.

What is not acceptable, "...making use of ipernity as a mere host for files...", that is, no activity at ipernity, only accessing the files to show on other platforms, especially when marketing and sales.

But indeed, in the wording that you quote, there is no mention that modest sharing on other platforms is acceptable, only stating ones own blog or web site. Maybe something to be revised.
3 years ago.
 Andy Rodker
Andy Rodker club
I would love to promote ipernity.
How can I do this? I won't use Facebook unless absolutely necessary (sometimes work-related, about once a month). I won't touch Twitter and, apart from ipernity, the only other social media platform I use is LinkedIn. I don't see a reference here to Linkedin. Am I missing something? You all know it's a poweful tool. Is there a way we could somehow use its potential?
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Public Relations club has replied to Andy Rodker club
✅ The more often ipernity is referred to from other sites, the more relevant Google considers our website. With every image that is linked to Facebook from an ipernity account, ipernity moves up in the Google hit list.

So you don't have to like Facebook at all. But by using it this way, we are advertising ipernity. If hundreds of Iperians do it, it's worth more than any paid advertising. That is why it is so important. We have to step out of the shadows into the light, no matter how.
3 years ago.
Au Cœur... diagonalh… club has replied to Public Relations club

"image that is linked to Facebook from an ipernity account"
Sorry but to do that in fact ?
3 years ago.
Au Cœur... diagonalh… club has added
like that for instance ?
my FB account (last post) >
3 years ago.
raingirl club
Andy! This is great. This is why we need everyone's help, how could LinkedIn not have been mentioned yet!! You can totally use LinkedIn to help.

LinkedIn should go under 13. Social Networks (Facebook, MeWe, Twitter, . . . ). Can you please add a comment there? Then it can be listed and included in the discussion.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
LinkedIn is already included in our list in topic: 13. Social Networks
For other topics see: Table of contents
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Public Relations club
Oops, sorry for my blind spot - I read 13. and failed to see LinkdIn mentioned.
3 years ago.
Public Relations club has replied to raingirl club
We will shift the list to the main article.
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
raingirl club
Is one of the discussions about Creating a press package type document? (Again, I might just be missing it?) Gathering ideas for that would be good. Then once created members could find it here to help with any outreach they do.
3 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
✅ In the meantime we created such a topic:
12. Press releases
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
 Malik Raoulda
Malik Raoulda club
Lors de ma tournée dans le sud Algérien(Sahara) et récemment dans l'est Algérien,j'ai rencontré pas mal de photographes dont ils ignoraient carrément l'existence d'Ipernity.Pas mal d'entre eux,ont été surpris de voir le nombre d’adhérents et la qualité de leur travail.Certains étaient membres d'associations de photographes amateurs et m'ont promis de faire connaitre le site autour d'eux et même de devenir membres..Pas une fois ou je rencontre un photographe et je ne parle pas de notre site..Je suis certain que pas mal vont nous rejoindre bientôt..Je l’espère vivement.
3 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Malik Raoulda club
That's so great - thank you so much!!
3 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
✅ We are convinced that this lack of brand awareness is one of the key problems. Thank you for your help!
3 years ago.

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