Group: Fruehlingsmotive ( spring themes)

Wie maakt nu wie het hof..?

Purple Carpet...

Essex skipper ~ Zwartsprietdikkopje (Thymelicus li…

I'm frosted, but very strong...

Chinese Selfie..?

New born Four-spotted chaser ~ Viervlek Libel (Lib…

Small copper ~ Kleine vuurvlinder (Lycaena phlaeas…

For the first time a Broad Scarlet ~ Vuurlibel (Cr…


Purple Dots..

#5 Love Stork's Hug ♥♥♥

Spring flowering Cherry Trees in Reflection...

Series of making Baby's, III

Series of making Baby's, II

Series of making Baby's, I: As the Key in the Lock…

Series of Storks, III

Series of Storks, II

Series of Storks, I

Kleine zonnedauw ~ Love nest sundew ~ Oblong-leave…

New born Four-spotted chaser ~ Viervlek Libel (Lib…

My first Common blue ~ Icarusblauwtje (Polyommatus…

Round-leaved Sundew, Ronde zonnedauw (Drosera rotu…

Phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia) with a little be…

I love this little fellow :-)

Going Slowly...

Just Born...

Silver Barred ~ Zilverstreep (Deltote bankiana)...