Group: j'aime tout....simplement

Only contributions by Armando Taborda are shown | Display all contributions of the group

Alcobaça, River Alcoa (1)

UNESCO World Heritage, Monastery of Alcobaça (1)

Oeiras, Municipal Garden, small fountain

Human Ovule on the Top of a Pin

A-dos-Ruivos, tap

Oeiras, Municipal Garden, golden palm tree

Rafaela, eye to eye

A-dos-Ruivos, dyptych (3)

Why Do You Talk

Oeiras, Municipal Garden, Ribeira da Lage - small…

A-dos-Ruivos, downfall

Oeiras, Municipal Garden, pond (1)

A-dos-Ruivos, diptych (2)

A-dos-Ruivos, diptych (1)

Fleeting Light

A-dos-Ruivos, well

Rafaela, self-service smile

Oeiras, Municipal Garden, old tram in the recreati…

A-dos-Ruivos, insolvent factory (5)


A-dos-Ruivos, country house, dahlias in the garden…

Oeiras, Municipal Garden, Ribeira da Laje - small…

A-dos-Ruivos, country house, old stone (3)

Smiling Sunglasses

A-dos-Ruivos, cemetery

Rafaela, thinking of life