Group: what´s behind?

"Cod & Cabbage Stew"

Everyday bread and coffee, even if it's raining

Gagged Earth

The mania for greatness; small and humble but feat…

Der Bauerngarten

There are masks for everybody compulsory use on th…

Nobody at home to pick the pears

Magnolia High Key 052516-001

Träumen in einer Tüll-Wolke

Das Kreuz über dem Kreuz

In the middle of the Vimeiro Battlefield...

Where will be the water pipe leakage?

By D.Carlos I time there wasn't pandemic...

My Still Life way

Ein Häuschen im Grünen - A cottage in the countrys…

Dunes protection

I was a can.


# Lichtzaun #

ein Bierglas als Fliegenfalle ...

Iberian Lynx hunting in the house's garden

Necessity is the mother of invention