Group: Towers

Turm-Rätsel 3

Traben-Trarbach, der "Weiße Turm"

Südostbastion und -turm des Schweriner Schlosses

Greifswald, alter Turm am Museumshafen

Dobbertin, Kloster

Schweriner Schloss-Türmchen

Church of Holy Mary of Alcazaba (11th century).

Swing of the castle.

Close to the bells.

Buçaco Palace Hotel.

Castle of Tomar (12th century).

Tomar Castle.

Church of Saint John the Baptist.

Church of Saint John the Baptist.

A view to the castle.

Coimbra New Cathedral (1772).

Tower of the University and former Royal Palace.

View from the upper cloister of Viseu Cathedral.

Holy Trinity Church Tower in the Rain

Saint Sebastian Chapel.

Saint Francis Church of the Third Order.

Church of the Major Seminary.

Tower of Córdoba Cathedral.

Church of Saint Gil and Saint Anne (16th century).