Group: 300-400 Views

Mural on former grinding plant.

Dog, by Ursa and Goya.

Romans playing celtic music.

Greek restaurant in Wales.

Warping mural.

Docking the ferry at the wharf.

Cloisters of Saint Paul Basilica.

Ruins of Acropolis' strongholds.

River Arkala.

Palace over the Water (or Palace of the Island).

Street art in Municipal Gallery.

Fairies and mermaids - stencils by Luísa Cortesão.

Mural along stairways.

Painting on wall of stairway.

Binisafúller Beach.

Painting on pillar.

Mural at Alcântara, Lisbon.

Painting on the wall of Roque Gameiro House.

Terreiro Square, on Porto riverside.

Palace over the Water (or of the Island).

Building in the historic centre.

Signed by Ketam.

English lesson.

He doesn't care about cameras...

On wall of Conceição e Silva School.

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