Group: Obiettivo & Fotocamera

"A Stop to Look Back"

Forever blowing bubbles........

Lavandula stoechas, Lamiales

La Terre est Ronde

Cistus ladanifer, Estevas, Penedos


Yellow clumsiness for TSC

Castelo de Vide

Penedos, Windmill

Sunrise Rainbow

Os penedos de Penedos

Aloe plicatilis

Believe it or not...

Chasmanthe floribunda, Espadanas, Penedos, HFF

HFF & a nice WE to all!

Linaria amethystea, Chamaemelum fuscatum

Fumaria officinalis, Erva-moleirinha, Ranunculales

View of Mount Taranaki

Vila Real de Santo António, Misty morning

Water Hyacinth

Stellaria media, Erva-estrela, Orelha-de-rato, Mor…

Walk on the wild side..

hello everyone - have a beautiful day!!