Group: 100+ visits

The artist and her work

Valle del Sarca


We and our Reflections...

Mural by Bigod.

Commercial street art.

Arenal d'En Castell - east side of the beach.

Bimillenary olive-tree.

Saint Anthony Chapel.

Detail of islamic mosaic fountain

reste la sensation

Beholding beyond the inlet.

Muro Azul (Blue Wall).

View from the hotel's garden.

Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe (1756).

Ferreira Borges Market (1885).

Patan Nepal

Children in the temple complex


The clowns.

Painted on door.

Muro Azul (Blue Wall).

Tiles on the side aisle of Carmo Church.

Império (1944).

marque page CLVIII

Midway or Endway?