Group: lines and curves

the art of our newspaper deliverer

In the middle of nowhere

SSC - Messgerät -

Batumi Botanical Garden

Building a dome in 1977

Murderer's museum

Blähtonwerk L

Snowlandscape and winter in the eighties ¤ Heerle…

Wiesenstrauss mit Schattenbild (PiP)

Cars of Kutaisi

Evening shadows

Bagrati Cathedral: Wired

Bagrati Cathedral

Filigran - nix für mich:-)

determined plant on a gray day

Inside the church darkness

Something about the God

Gelati Monastery

Somewhere along the road in Georgia

Streets of Mestia (with power lines)

Trekking view at Mestia

Somewhere in South Ossetia

Svaneti - a view

Orthodox Church Mystery

Socialist realism of Tbilisi

Sculpture of Ietim Gurji