Group: PiP ★ Picture in Picture

En montagne.

Grizzli Bear, Canada

Klappbrücke (PiP)

Himmel hoch (38a/50)

Greece - Grivas castle

Asteroidea, Estrela do mar

Pilzhaufen (PiP)

Bon Dimanche/Happy Sunday.

Joseph Stewart State Park, Set 4: Look at all the…

Natural Bridge and Wapta Falls

In der São Pedro Kirche

Opera in Oslo

Sunwapta Lake

Silent Sentinals of time.

Front of the Ice ream Dunes.

Monte Gordo, Rainy day

Happy Fence Friday

Germany - Schloss Steinfurt

Joseph Stewart State Park, Set 3: The Beauty Never…

Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Unive…

Lake Louise, Rockies

Speicherstadt mit Neuerwegsbrücke (2xPiP)

Fleete in der Speicherstadt/ Hamburg (2xPiP)

Die Elbe bei Wedel (PiP)