Group: Vintage Photos & Postcards

Doubly Cute, 1949

Philco Television Set, 1948

Parade Float, Welcome Home Day, Sunbury, Pa., 1919

Human Flag, Loyal War Governors Anniversary Parade…

Uncle Sam, Sunbury, Pa., 1931

1935 - als ich noch klein war -

Baseball Club, Boswell, Pa.

Nicollette at Boswell, Pa.

Jacob Kamp's Shoe Store, Lock Haven, Pa., ca. 1890…

Woman and Gardenias in Swimming Pool, Hotel Ruiz G…

Wedding Guest Mystery

Savage Elementary School, Grade 3, 1964-65

I Don't Care If I Never Come Back

We Don't Care If We Never Go Back, Indianapolis, I…

Cornered with Wallpaper

H. E. Grothe—Calling Card with Photograph

Smiling Mother with Wide-Eyed Baby

Shipping a Few of Our Peaches

Fritz and His Easter Bonnet

A Man and His Dog, 1914

Leck Kill Post Office Building, Leck Kill, Pa.

Easter Bunny Kids

Woman with Fancy Stove

Knitting on the Beach

Young Woman with Gnarly Tree

Easter Sun Day

You Are the Apple of My Eye—We Should Make a Good…