Group: Minimalist - real subjects

The Escapist

In my place, for SC72

Oxalis articulata, Penedos

Castro Verde, Street Art


Epiphyllum oxypetalum, Queen of the night, Monte G…

Memories of summer

Euphorbia milii, meeting at the top

Ce grèbe souhaite éviter de tourner en rond

Penedos, Wired

occhieggiando tra la nebbia

Merendera filifolia, Penedos

Happy Wednesday Wall!

Drying Fish

Licht und Schatten 9

Licht und Schatten 6

Penedos, Blue survivor

ultime dalla spiaggia

Penedos, Wired

at the museum

Penedos, HWW

Penedos, Ring my bell

"Le soleil se lève aussi".................(Ernest…

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