Group: Digital Paintings

wo wir uns finden, wohl unter Linden ...

A funny frog: "My weather..." ©UdoSm

Kleiner Fuchs auf Sonnenhut... ©UdoSm

"Laisse-moi être l’amour de ton coeur"

...souvenirs des vacances de septembre...

Solitär-Rose. ©UdoSm

Ein Grashalm. ©UdoSm

'Painted' Gladioli. ©UdoSm


Lucy Drawing Program - 3D Digital lady

Beach and Sea

Digital sunset

"Summertime" de George Gershwin

It is Asparagus season... ©UdoSm

Apfelblüten in Südtirol... ©UdoSm

Bon 1er Mai à toutes et à tous***********

C'est plein d'absents Le souvenir

unchain my heart

Osterglocken... ©UdoSm

In a Crystal ball after the rain... ©UdoSm

Tulip with interior lighting... ©UdoSm

Ready for touch down... ©UdoSm

Center of a Primula... ©UdoSm

Yellow water lily... ©UdoSm

Two wasps refueling... ©byUdoSm

Le cygne******************

Just a rose and a few more. ©UdoSm