Group: International Borders - Frontière - Grenze - Granica

Chança River, border between Spain and Portugal.

Chança River - border between Spain and Portugal.

Guadiana River and destroyed section of Ajuda Brid…

Guadiana River, from Ajuda Bridge.

Ajuda Bridge (1510).

View from Elvas Castle.

Saint Angel Castle.

Quad portico of Saint Paul Basilica.

Saint Paul Basilica, where lies the tomb of Saint…

View from the dome of Saint Peter Basilica.

View from the dome of Saint Peter Basilica.

View from the dome of Saint Peter Basilica.

7 metres between Portugal and Spain.

Portugal and Spain.

Portugal and Spain.

Paso Bermejo - 3854 m

4 1484

'Heimat ist kein Ort ...'

Passport control


auf der ehemalige Grenze zur DDR

Wagah-Attari Border Crossing

Wagah-Attari Border Crossing

Passage de la frontière portugaise par xata

frontier to Argentina

No borders, no nations!

à la frontière espagnole

India-Pakistan border. Soldiers