Group: Real Vintage

Two Turrets

Bay of Naples Hotel, Naples, Maine

Fallen from the Crust, Jacksonville, Florida, Marc…

The Glorious Grape Hat

Pensive Paper Moon Man

Pensive And Dreamy

Get Right with God at the Anderson Campaign Tabern…

Gladys and the Iceberg, Moffat, Colorado, 1911

Ray Schrumm

A New Slant on Castles

Waving and Seesawing

Hazel Lundbech, 1924 - 2023

Foursome Flying over Long Beach, California, 1914

The Tintype Mystery


Sticking Out at the Beach

The Deestrick Skule, Strasburg, Pennsylvania, ca.…

For Auld Lang Syne

The Girl Was Smiling But Her Doll Was Not

Birthday Outing to the Triberg Waterfalls, Baden-W…

Archers on the Woodpile

High-Jinks at the Park

Waiting at the Gate

Mirror Peerer

Eleven Ladies in the Parlor

Floral Clock, Water Works Park, Detroit, Michigan,…