Group: Staffordshire

Stafford multi-storey car park demolition

Stafford multi-storey car park demolition

Stafford multi-storey car park demolition

Stafford multi-storey car park demolition

St Lawrence's, Gnosall

St Lawrence's, Gnosall

Brazenhill Lane, Haughton

St Giles, Haughton

St Mary's, Stafford

Rugeley Power Station


Passing the Black Lion

N7 on the move

Chetwynd House, Stafford

St Mary's, Stafford

Stafford multi-storey car park demolition

Stafford multi-storey car park demolition

Chetwynd House, Stafford

Victoria Park, Stafford

Staffordshire Fields

Market Square, Stafford

Haughton, Staffordshire

Haughton, Staffordshire

Haughton, Staffordshire

St Giles, Haughton

Haughton war memorial

Haughton sunset

Haughton sunset