Rodas de Oração

"L'élan" – Cabot Square, Saint Catherine Street at…

Quimper, Cathédrale St Corentin

Quimper, Cathédrale St Corentin

Quimper, Cathédrale St Corentin

Quimper, Cathédrale St Corentin

frequency to wavelength

Quimper, Cathédrale St Corentin

Quimper, Cathédrale St Corentin

Eglise St Lubin et St Jean Baptiste

Eglise St Lubin et St Jean Baptiste

Capel y Grog, Mwnt, Wales


Place Ville-Marie, #2 – Reflected in the Place de…

Eglise Ste Bernadette de la Louviére

Eglise St Lubin et St Jean Baptiste

The Lower Gate Revisited – Japanese Garden, Portla…

Stone Lion – Japanese Garden, Portland, Oregon

Kasuga Lantern by the Pavilion – Japanese Garden,…

Christ Church, Russell

The Second Gate – Japanese Garden, Portland, Orego…

La guerre c'est l'art de faire en grand ce qui fa…

The Sand and Stone Garden – Japanese Garden, Portl…

The Sand and Stone Garden from Above – Japanese Ga…

"Bring Back Our Girls" Montage
