Group: Birds of America

Canada geese on neighbor's lawn

Barred owl (Strix varia) in pine tree

Barred owl (Strix varia) again

Barred owl - Strix varia

Barred owl - Strix varia

Wood duck (F) - Aix sponsa

Wood duck (M) - Aix sponsa

Northern harrier (Circus cyaneus) ?

Great blue heron

American goldfinch

American white pelicans

Belted kingfisher

Northern cardinal in a juniper tree

Great blue heron

Eastern bluebird


Northern pintail

Great blue heron

First robin of autumn

Northern Flicker on a Wet Wire

Great blue heron fishing

Migrating snow geese

Wood ducks (Aix sponsa)

Barred owl being harassed by a crow

Female wood duck

Steller's Jay and Peanuts