Group: Trees and Clouds Exhibition

A view of the Vale.

Ploulec h

On the Hill

Penedos, Invaders in the mist

A perte de vue - So weit das Auge reicht - As far…

Amb tinta xinesa

Ce soir / This evening EXPLORER

Clouds over Nakuru Lake.


Pompey's dollar landscape

Romeu, Portugal

In the way to Caetano Bush

Un endroit paisible pour y faire une pause / Where…

Penedos, Daybreak

Penedos, My favorite spot at sunrise, HWW

Penedos, Eucayptus and Wild olive tree, my Estreli…

Penedos, Daybreak of a very hot day.

Bus stop on N124, HBM

Moinho do Alferes, Ribeira do Vascão

When very old vines climb the trees just to surviv…

So many original sins for only one Adam

HFF Dans la chaleur de l'été... In the summer hea…

Batec del vespre more heat wave...

Announced the heat