Group: Yellow Dominates

Sunny Side Down – New York Botanical Garden, New Y…

220/365: "Everybody needs beauty as well as bread,…

Glowing Zinnia From Behind

Beautiful Yellow Zinnia

Be Still My Beating Heart: Tarweed with Unfurling…

The Lovely Curled Petal Edges of a Tarweed Blossom

219/365: "The longer I live, the more beautiful li…

Breathtaking Tarweed Pistils

212/365: "It's difficult to think anything but ple…

Grosgrain Ribbon


Beautiful Cream & Lime Echinasia

Bokeh Thursday: T is For Tarweed Blossom

Bokeh Thursday: T is For Tarweed Bud

Textured Fitch's Spikeweed

190/365: "Holding on to anger is like grasping a h…

Green-Eyed Coneflower

187/365: "I learned that courage was not the absen…

Dancing with the wind


Flamboyant jaune

Cattleya du jardin