Group: peace

Only contributions by Wolfgang are shown | Display all contributions of the group

Ni Kadek Mayang Sari

Parade of temple women in Sembung

Ni Komang Mayasanti


In front the shrine of forefathers


Praying for the ancestors

Participators at the temple festival

Altar in the temple on Fansipan top station


Bao An Pagoda temple at Fansipan bottom station


The Trunyan cemetery


Balinese family in hot springs

Che Guevara everywhere

Preparing offerings to spend to hindu gods

Worshippers praying to Hindu gods

A Delem statue dressed in checked clothes


Meditation in front of a reclining Buddha

Temporary statue at Ratchadamnoen Avenue

Wat Ratchanadda at night

Inside Wat Wang Wiwekaram

Sangkhlaburi the city of the Mon people

Buddha image in Phra Pathom Chedi


Lying Buddha image in the Phra Pathom Chedi

Romantic sunset mood at the Huey Krathing dam

Lying Buddha at the entrance to the cave

New built pagoda in Wat Traimit


Pa'O mother with her daughter

Masters of leg-rowing

Causeway to the jumping cat monastery