Group: Spiders

Araignée Argiope Frelon

Brachypelma smithi


112-100 4421(1) editedC

Celestial Spider in Star-Laden Web


[STORYTIME]"For life and death are one, even as th…

[STORYTIME!] 315/365: “When the first light comes…

New Cat-Faced Orb-Weaver!

287/365: "Words are like the spider's web: a shelt…

Argiope Auriantia Eating a Katydid

252/365: "Enjoy the little things, for one day you…

Portia Odessa Goldbottom

Portia Odessa Goldbottom Portrait

argiope aurantia-sept-1-2013

argiope trifasciata-sept-1-2013

araneus trifolium sept-1-2013

Funnel Spiders...Wolf Spiders?

argiope aurantia sept 1 2013 CSC 6639

argiope-aurantia-spet-1-2013-CSC 6640