Group: BW & Monochromes

Gare de St Malo - TER train to Dol de Bretagne

Sainte Cécile vi accoglie

Salon de coiffure.....

Salon de coiffure....

Arago medallion (Rose Line)

1 631

Tübinger Eis

Hougoumont Chessnut trees

aspettando la primavera

Anhäuser Mauer

Lörmecke Turm

Time passes


Gumbo in the snow

Porthgwarra Boote

Brooklyn Bridge

Władysław Sikorski


The Art Of Shaving

The hollow oak tree - 1 PIP

Limetsone Pavement

An oak tree

After the Storm

Petite Chambre

6 475

Heron's Farm

Nomos Tangomat

St Mary's, Saffron Walden