Group: Churches and all religious buildings

View from Stepantsminda (or Kasbegi).

Lamballe - Collégiale Notre-Dame

A window of Catholic saints in Bayeux Cathedral -…

St Conteste's window in Bayeux Cathedral - lower s…

Saint Joseph's window, Bayeux Cathedral - 24.10.20…

Lincoln Cathedral 20th October 1993

Lincoln Cathedral 20th October 1993

Lincoln Cathedral 20th October 1993

Stained Glass East Window, Lincoln Cathedral 20th…

Bomber Command Memorial Window Lincoln Catherdral…

Mortain - Saint-Évroult

Fortress Complex of Ananauri.

Zhinvali Dam.

Svetiskhoveli Cathedral (11th century).

Colomby - Saint-Georges

Svetiskhoveli Cathedral (11th century).

Santorini : le chiese ortodosse di Oia viste da su…

Jvari Monastery (7th century).

Nivelles - Collégiale Sainte-Gertrude

Porto - Torre dos Clérigos

Das Altar-Mosaik ist von Oskar Kokoschka (1974)

Der Altarraum von St. Nikolai am Klosterstern

St. Nikolai am Klosterstern, Hamburg-Harvestehude

Die neue Hauptkirche St. Nikolai

Innenraum der Kirche St. Nikolai- am Klosterstern

Middle age graffiti.

New Christian Knights.