Group: United Kingdom (UK)

St Mary's, Stafford

St Mary's, Stafford

St Mary's, Stafford

Spring snowdrops


Spring is close by!

Church Lane, Stafford

Church Lane, Stafford

Stafford car park demolition

Stafford car park demolition

Market Square, Stafford

Staffordshire fields, Church Eaton

St Lawrence's, Gnosall

St Ediath's, Church Eaton

St Ediath's, Church Eaton

St Ediath's, Church Eaton

Fields near Church Eaton, Staffordshire

St Ediath's, Church Eaton

Fields near Haughton, Staffordshire

Country lane near Haughton, Staffordshire

Country lane near Haughton, Staffordshire

Fields near Haughton, Stafforshire

The Lamb Inn, Stafford

Grassington, North Yorkshire

The old Stafford Infirmary

The old Stafford Infirmary

The Rusty Gate