Group: European Union

Architectural details.


Eastern cloister of Saint Francis Monastery.

Western cloister of Saint Francis Monastery.

Saint Francis Church.

Elisa Doorway (1809-1811).

Saint Gervasius Doorway.

Church of Holy Mary outside doorways.

Mozza Column.

Lippi Palace.

Romanian Orthodox Church.

Piazza dell'Anfiteatro.

Piazza dell'Anfiteatro.

Saint Peter Somaldi Church.

Saint Fredian Church (12th century).

Fountain of the Naiad.

Holy Saviour Church.

Former Saint Roman Church.

Saint Peter Doorway.

Monument and statue of Giacomo Puccini.

Puccini's piano Steinway & Sons.

Birth house of Giacomo Puccini.

Church of Saint Michael in Forum.

Altar of the Church of Saint Michael in Forum.

Tower of Saint Michael Church.