Group: Italy - Italia

Clock Casino.

Temple of Asclepius.

Sankt Jakob

Trajan's Column

Trajan's Market

Saint Paul Basilica, where lies the tomb of Saint…

Night at the Pantheon (Explored)

Night at the ruins of the Roman Forum

Floating chandeliers

Behind the grill

Alone in prayer

Egyptian obelisk of Ramses II and People Gate.

Emperor Augustus Mausoleum.

Church of the Sacred Heart and Suffrage.

Birds, have mercy!

Saint Angel Bridge and Tiber River.

Church of Saint Paul within the walls.

Greve in Chianti, Tuscany, Italia - 052714-005

Egyptian obelisk.

Carving carrots.

Neptune's Fountain.

Egyptian obelisk, with Pantheon on the background.

Saint Omobono Shrine.

Church of Holy Mary in Cosmedin and Fountain of th…

Giano's Arch (4th century).

Temple of Hercules Victorious (120 BC).

Left hand side traffic on Palatine Bridge.