Group: Hasselblad

Scene in Sfat, Israel 1978

It is better to carry the baby - Sfat. Israel 1978

Eretz Israel Museum - Tel Aviv Glass Pavilion Apri…

A sweet baby carriage - Israel 1972

It works... and is fun for everybody. Israel 1972

Is there anything in the baby carriage? Israel .19…

Baby Carriage in Tiberias -1972

Bounty Well Protected

View from Mount Scopus to the old city, in the ba…

View from the Mount of Olives- Mount Scopus - P…

In the Jewish quarter of the Old CIty of Jerusalem…

On the way to the Western Wall - 1970

A small prayer room in the old city of Jerusalem.…

Running in the old city of Jerusalem

Walking in the old city of Jerusalem

Sweets and more sweet sweets... in the old city of…

A very special coffee... in the old city of Jerusa…

Is it done? In the old city of Jerusalem in 1970

The Cardo - Jerusalem

The tower of David - Jerusalem at night

Conversation from here to there -Jerusalem Sept 1…

Jerusalem modern steps

Jerusalem wild flowers

Admiring (?) a sculpture in Billy Rose Art Garden…

Israel Museum - Jerusalem

Adam by Rodin at Billy Rose, sculpter garden, in…