Group: Cemetery

Friedhof Sainte Trinité

The Jewish Cemetery in Wroclaw

Schutzmantel-Christus - Christ's protective cloak

In the cemetery at St Tudno's Church - Eglwys Sant…

House of Eternity

House of Eternity

House of Eternity

Haus der Ewigkeit ... Home of eternity ...

Ich bin nicht weit weg ... I'm not far away ...

Todesengel - Angel of death

Cementerio de Humahuaca (3xPiP)

Gottesacker - God's acre

Gedenkt der Toten - Remember the dead

Burial ground

Burial ground


Burial ground and War Grave

Cemetery cat

Argentina - Buenos Aires, Recoleta Cemetery

House of Eternity



House of Eternity

Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias

at the funeral

Chichi's escape

The Pity of War

Reflecting on the Pity of War