Group: Australia Capital Cities

"Big" King Neptune

NGC1966-62-65-70 Giant filamentary shell nebulae

"Big"Long Necked Turtle

Intersection 'South Steyne' with 'The Corso', Manl…

Manly Wharf - 2:38 PM - sun is in northwest

Lavender Bay, Harbour Bridge and CBD view from Qui…

The "Big " Noongar face

Layer upon Layer

Small Magellanic CLoud NGC 292

Sydney Airport Train

Sydney Airport Train

Spring Storm - 9 am

Friday the juniors of the school 6 hour shoot -Buc…

Wednesday Seniors 8 hour shoot- long jump


Drosera Menziesii: Flower enjoy a very rare view


Willie Wag Tail

Reed Warbler

Trifid Nebula M20

Kindy "Mud" Kitchen

Albany Entertainment center