Group: Reflection

Slough Arm of the Grand Union Canal

Auf dem Schiff (PiP)

Iceland, The Canyon of Stuðlagil

Slough Arm of the Grand Union Canal

Reflektion am Golfplatz

Iceland, Renaissance in the Port of Húsavík

View to River Sado and the town.

an der Wand - kleinteilig

Public washhouse.

DE - Saarburg - Reflektion

End of the day

Alter geschliffener Glas-Rahmen

Iceland, The Port of Húsavík

Le originali barche a vela di Sardegna

Iceland, Boats and Ships in the Port of Húsavík

River Clyde in the Mist

Iceland, The Reflections in the Water of Húsavík B…

Winter am Winterhuder Kai

Winterimpressionen mit PiP's

Auf der Fleetinsel

Christmas lights on Sado riverside.

Drawbridge for road traffic (1945).

I colori del mare di Stintino

Am Ententeich