Group: Doors and Windows

Timotesubani Monastery near Borjomi

Schönen Mittwoch

La tenda rossa, il piccione e i vasi vuoti

Porte et fenêtre à la mexicana !

Front Street West, Toronto

Romania, Iași, Windows of the Palace of Culture

Infosat HD

Lactasoy zone

...was guckst du?! Antikensammlungen Berlin

Restaurant Enxebre.


Deux tables

The commons 212 benches

Sunbelt area

The Foot shithole toilet (3)

Teatro Principal (Main Theatre).

Tür und Tor….

Un petit coin insalubre....../ An unsanitary litt…

Fenêtres assorties / Matching windows

Fenêtres assorties et clôture en prime

Red balcony, windows and door.

Great.. nice bench to wait for dinner !


Ex-catholic church: Kutaisi Holy Annunciation Temp…

hWW…if walls could talk

Deux mains rouges .....

Publicité de croisières / Cruises advertising