Group: Trees

Who's over there?

Spring soon

Wet fields

Prunus dulcis, Almond tree and Ninfa

Prunus dulcis, Almong tree HWW

Almost Spring

SC82, Dr Gamito's garden

Penedos, Mist

Penedos, Misty path

Leaf Beauty.

Picos de Europa, HFF


Mist Over The Hill.

Snow On Tire Swing

Martim Longo, HWW

Daisies In Lawn


Caiada, Trees and flowers in winter

Minas de Neves Corvo, Brassica barrelieri , Azinhe…

Feeding The Birds.

Luxor at sunset


Penedos, Morning dew evaporating with the first wa…

Penedos, Misty morning