Group: Industrial In Details

The Way of the Wolf


Übertage-Bohrgerät für Kalksteinbrüche

Search and Destroy

Avance - Retard , au choix !!

Le temps qui passe

engrenage de montre

Der Zahn der Zeit

Carreau-Wendel - 7

Carreau-Wendel - 6

Völklinger Hütte - high and higher

Puits Saint-Charles - 3

Puits Saint-Charles - 4

Völklinger Hütte - Yoga...or so

Völklinger Hütte - starship

Belval - silo land - 25

Belval - dangerous platforms - 27

Belval - space capsule - 15

Belval - chimney high - 26

Belval - heavy metal - 20

Belval - winch room - 24

Belval - wet metal - 4

Belval - resting between pipes - 16